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Changing It Up and Pork & Pineapple Street Tacos

I know I keep promising I am going to post more frequently.  I try, I really, really do.  But life gets away from me.  What with chasing kids, pigs, and dogs, making sure we get to karate, basketball practice, and oh yeah, work, this blog tends to fall by the wayside.

But, I've been toying with an idea - I get a lot of requests from friends for recipes.  I am thinking maybe I will turn West Texas Mama into a pseudo-recipe site.  Maybe I will struggle less with coming up with things I can share at moments I am too exhausted to share them.

That said, I made Pork Street Tacos tonight.  I can't take complete credit- a very dear friend name Christy J. told me she had used El Hubbo's smoked pulled pork and come up with something like this.  I didn't have her exact recipe, but here is what I threw together.  And Y'all.  I mean Y'all, y'all, y'all.  (That's West Texas Mama for DADGUMIT THAT IS GOOD.)

Oh, and I should probably clarify my statement about sharing recipes/pseudo-recipe site.....I'm probably going to give you a basic list of ingredients, kind of how I threw it together, and maybe a picture.  After all, that's how I learned to cook.  And the picture will probably involve a paper plate.  Because that is how I roll y'all.

Be fearless, keep what you like, change what you don't.  You are now informed so here you go:

Pork & Pineapple Street Tacos

Pulled Pork
Pineapple Chunks
Diced Green Chiles
Shredded Monterrey Jack Cheese
BBQ Sauce
Corn or Flour Street Taco Tortillas

In a skillet, start heating up your pineapple chunks.  Add in your pulled pork and stir.  Add in your green chiles.  Word of advice:  If you like spicy, go for the hot green chiles.  I prefer the Hatch brand.  If you don't like spicy, go for mild, but you'll probably need more to get the chile flavor to come out.

Heat it up until is is "good and hot" throughout.  Yes, "good and hot" are cooking terms my mama and my grandmamas used. Here's what it was looking like when I put in the green chile but before I stirred it.

I like to warm my corn tortillas in a little bit of oil and drain on a paper towel.  Take a warm tortilla, fill with the pork mixture, top with a little shredded cheese, add a tad of BBQ sauce and ENJOY.  I loved these.  As in love, love, loved these.

And they were pretty.


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