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Showing posts from October 28, 2018

Date Night

When Number One Son was about four, he asked me to go on a date with him.  To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement.  I thought he was perhaps the most handsome thing I had ever seen, the spitting image of his daddy.  As he looked up at me with those big brown eyes, I said, "Absolutely, I would be honored!"   He grinned and went back to playing. Date night came and his daddy helped him get all dressed up.  He was very concerned about how he was going to pay and insisted I give him the money.  So, I did.  I asked if he was going to drive, and he enthusiastically agreed.  I had to then inform him that the State of Texas might frown upon that, but he could open my door like a gentleman.  His daddy helped strap him into his carseat, and my date and I got on the road.  Having recently discovered Olive Garden spaghetti, he decided we should go there.  We entered the restaurant and he went to the hostess stand and told them there would be two of us.  I stood