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Showing posts from February 26, 2012

El Hubbo's Snake Oil Remedy

In previous posts you may have read about El Hubbo’s bad hip and the saga of will we or won’t we have a hip replacement. Given that the doctors have decided to wait on such intrusive treatments, El Hubbo was at a loss for what to do next. As word spread of his agony, a colleague of his told him about something he uses. Now, understand that we are talking about a group of people who treat animals for various and a sundry ailments, so when El Hubbo came home telling me about this miracle cure, I was immediately skeptical. He gives me this website and says, can you check this out? Alrighty. I go to the site, and it is all in Spanish. This is what I would consider a red flag. I tell El Hubbo, perhaps you should have a doctor check this out. (Secretly, I am thinking he’s lost his mind. I WAS NOT going to order drugs from a website I couldn’t even understand.) In a display of unusually cooperative behavior, El Hubbo tells his doctor about this miracle drug. The doctor tells him it loo...