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Showing posts from April 8, 2018

Changing It Up and Pork & Pineapple Street Tacos

I know I keep promising I am going to post more frequently.  I try, I really, really do.  But life gets away from me.  What with chasing kids, pigs, and dogs, making sure we get to karate, basketball practice, and oh yeah, work, this blog tends to fall by the wayside. But, I've been toying with an idea - I get a lot of requests from friends for recipes.  I am thinking maybe I will turn West Texas Mama into a pseudo-recipe site.  Maybe I will struggle less with coming up with things I can share at moments I am too exhausted to share them. That said, I made Pork Street Tacos tonight.  I can't take complete credit- a very dear friend name Christy J. told me she had used El Hubbo's smoked pulled pork and come up with something like this.  I didn't have her exact recipe, but here is what I threw together.  And Y'all.  I mean Y'all, y'all, y'all.  (That's West Texas Mama for DADGUMIT THAT IS GOOD.) Oh, and I should probably clarify my st...