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Just Like Butter

I come to you with a confession.  It's really all my mother and my grandmothers and Paula Deen's fault.  (Isn't everything?)

I have a deep, deep, obsession, nay - this is more an addiction to.....I'm almost ashamed to admit this......butter.

I spend many hours contemplating butter.  Do you ever wonder who the first person was who took a look at a cow and thought, "Hmmmmmm......if I pull those things, then take whatever I get, and then put it in a barrel with a stick and mash it around a bunch, I bet I'll get the best consummable substance known to man!"  (Yes, I really do think there were pivotal moments in history that took place just like I have described.)

Now, I know butter is not that great taken as a large spoonful all by itself.  That is just not the case.  However, there are things in this world made infinitely more tolerable, nay more enjoyable, by this creamy little gift from heaven (and ol' Bessie.)

(I feel like I wax more poetic when I use the word "nay" often.  SQUIRREL!)

Sorry, back to our erudite discussion of our golden treasure.  There are times when I will don my baking apron for no other reason than to create a delectable delivery system for butter.  This usually occurs during high-stress periods - like, say, when one is trying to sell their house.  (Which is a whole other blog topic.)  And, here is where I can tie in how it is my mother's fault.  You see, she introduced me to the crack, I mean, delight.......that is butter on a warm brownie.   Spare yourself and never go here.  There is no turning back.  A nice, warm, chocolate-y treat that is made so incredibly better with the application of a medium-sized pat of butter.  Sweet cream butter.  It is a warm hug delivered in a bite.

Other ways in which butter may be applied to heal all of life's wounds is on saltine crackers (don't knock it until you have tried it!).  A large bowl of stew, with a large sleeve of saltines, with a large tub of butter equates to a very soul-satisfying meal.  I can't wait for winter!

And it is totally Paula Deen's fault that it is difficult for me to make a homemade burger without putting chunks of butter into the seasoned meat mix. (Hey, she's been getting blamed everything else, may as well add this on.)   I cannot adequately describe what the butter does to that meat.  Needless to say, the heart doctor is on speed dial.

Not all butters are created equal.  Don't even talk to me about those butter impostors.  We have no time nor brain power to waste on them.  Just, good, creamy, sweet cream butter is worth mentioning.  And, if you find yourself lucky enough to score some Kerry's Gold Irish butter (imported, obviously), then, cherish each and every morsel that passeth your lips.  It is fabulous on, well, everything.

Ah, yes, butter.  I think I need a snack now.


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