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Dust Worthy

I work hard.  My desk is always covered with stacks of things that someone, somewhere on this campus needs me to attend to.  It's good to be needed.  However, there are times that I must ignore everyone IMing and emailing and calling and sending smoke signals to tend to the cleanliness of my workspace.  Today was that day.

Fortunately, I had one good conference call, that thanks to the technological wonder that is the wireless head mic, I could multi-task and dust while listening.  This task, however, brought a few things to mind - the most important question being, "When do you know it is time to dust your office?"  

The custodial representatives here will not touch your desk or bookshelves if you have anything on them.  Apparently there are liability issues.  The biggest liability issue I see is that the mountain of paperwork I huddle behind may fall like an avalanche if they breathe on it too heavy.  But, that's a topic for another day - back to the question in hand.  If you have any suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments!

"When do you know it is time to dust your office?":

1. When you move a stack of paper and  dust devils dance lazily across the budget report you were to turn in three days ago.

2. When the dust bunnies begin to propagate shamelessly in front of you.  Bad Bunnies!!!

3. When co-workers wear a dust mask when entering your office.

4. When turning on a fan starts a haboob.

5. When your kids visit and start building a sandcastle.

6. When the cleaning crew leaves a can of furniture polish and a couple dust rags squarely in front of your computer monitors.

7. When a movie crew shooting a film about zombies versus vampires stops by requesting to shoot a death scene.  (Clarification for my mom, who is not a big zombie or vampire fan:  when you kill a zombie or a vampire, they turn to dust.)

8. When you water the plant on top of your credenza and the overflow causes a mudslide.

9. When you show up in the morning to find a band of bedoin wanderers have set up camp and are asking where to water the camels.

10.  When the campus history department instructors begin bringing their classes by to see a modern-day replica of Dust Bowl conditions.


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