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Dust to Dust

In 2011, Lubbock was listed sixth on Forbe's Most Dangerous Cities list.  I have absolutely no problem believing this little nugget of truth.  I do not, however, think it has a single thing to do with the violent crimes per capita that they claim to use as the basis for this list. 

Granted, I've witnessed several interesting things since moving here:  a cop with gun drawn in one hand and hauling a suspect through a no-tell hotel window with the other, a prostitute soliciting a john in the Walmart parking lot, etc.  (And those were just during my lunch hour - I can't help it that I work near a rougher neighborhood.)  I've been the victim of crime - you must recall the Great Coupon Binder Robbery of 2011.  (See earlier blog posts) 

No, I believe Lubbock is dangerous due to it's repeated attempts to kill me via asphyxiation.  This past week alone, there have been three "brownouts".  A brownout is when the wind kicks up all the dust and sandblasts everything in it's path.  I can affirmatively tell you that Chicago is NOT the Windy City.  A couple years of on-going drought insure that Lubbock has no shortage of sand and dust to blow about.  Perhaps you recall the "Haboob" blog?  The only thing making that day unique was that the haboob rolled in from the north in a seething, boiling mass.  Having dust and sand in the air is pretty much a natural, daily occurence here.  Lucky, lucky me, I have a dust allergy.  So now you understand why Lubbock and I are engaged in a continuing battle of wills.

What do I have in my arsenal to combat such a nefarious opponent?  Not much.  I've tried it all - over-the-counter allergy medicine, prescription-strength allergy medicine, neti-pots, spoonfuls of local honey, Vicks vapor rub on my feet at night, ear candleing - you name it.  None of these things can in any way combat the mucus tidal waves overtaking my body.  I am no longer opposed to trying a witch doctor, so if you know of a good one, please send her my way.  She can spread all the chicken's blood she needs to on my doorstep.

Even as I type this, another vicious windstorm is taking place.  I find myself confined indoors in feeble attempts to avoid yet another sinus infection.  While my doctor is a very nice lady, I have no desire to put all three of her children through college all on my own.

Lubbock is trying to kill me, of this I am certain.  And while I know that from dust we were created and to dust we will return, I really wish Lubbock would not work so hard to give me a headstart!


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