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Cheerleaders and Cartoons

     A little background info is needed for this one. You should know that I am an Aggie. Texas A&M University has my heart. El Hubbo is a Raider. I live in Lubbock, and job opportunities being what they are, I work for Texas Tech University. (Much to El Hubbo’s delight.) I have nothing against Texas Tech – it is a fine educational institution, and it pays me well and keeps me off the streets.
     El Hubbo and I have a basic agreement to not talk badly about the other’s alma mater. Which we try to honor as best we can. (We have both slipped up in the past.) And, we agree that college choice will be each kid’s decision to make. We can agree that we prefer they go to whichever one offers the most scholarship money. (Hey, can you really blame us?)

     That being said – this was too funny of an event to pass up writing about. We go to dinner following Bible class last night, and El Hubbo asked Jake about school. This week was “College and Career Week”. Jake informs us that the Texas Tech Cheerleaders came to his school. The conversation went like this:

     El Hubbo: “Really? Did you like them?”

     Jake: “Yeah.”

     El Hubbo: “Did anyone else come out?”

     Jake: “Yeah. The Texas Tech Dummy came out, too.”

     Sorry, but I couldn’t help laughing. Almost spewed Dr Pepper across the table.  Jake was not trying to be mean, but this was what a 5 year old saw, and he's using the only descriptives he knows.

     El Hubbo: “The Texas Tech Dummy?” El Hubbo should learn to just stay quiet – he should have known it would just get worse.

     Jake: “Yeah, you know, Yosemite Sam.” I might have snorted at this point.  If you are unfamiliar with Raider Red (a Texas Tech mascot), google him and then see if you can understand Jake's confusion!
     El Hubbo: “Jake, do you mean Raider Red?”

     Jake: “You know, the dummy with the hat and the gun? I think it is Yosemite Sam, Dad.”

     El Hubbo has lowered and started shaking his head at this point. I’m pretty sure I could hear his heart breaking. I decide to try to help him out.

     Mama: “Jake, did you get to talk to the cheerleaders?”

     Jake: “Yep. I went up to them and told them I was Texas A&M’s number one fan!”

     I lost it. Poor El Hubbo, but THAT was funny!! 


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