El Hubbo started the conversation with "Now, promise you won't kill him." That immediately got my attention. "He broke one of your lamps when he came in the house with the weed eater. Like beyond repair." I asked, "Why was he bringing the weed eater through the house?" "Well, he cleaned it up and he feels bad," El Hubbo said. "I thought I should call and give you warning. We've spent so much time and money getting him to this point....." "Ugh." I hung up. Upon my arrival home, I saw the lampshade on the counter. Then I saw the boy child. I grabbed him in a big hug. "Your daddy called and told me you wanted to take me lamp shopping. That is so sweet of you!" He looked a bit bewildered but relieved that I had not immediately gone for the jugular. "Uh, yeah, ok." "I'm so excited that I'm getting new lamps for the living room!" "Wait? Lamps? Don't you mean 'l...
I used to send out a Christmas card with usually funny pictures of my offspring and a Christmas letter. A couple years ago, I noticed I received only a couple Christmas cards and I noticed how expensive my little project was, and I noticed how expensive Number One Son's braces were going to be, and I decided that the card and letter tradition had probably gone the way of others. and it was time to stop. My holiday spirit died a little that day. And, then, a miracle. It's 2020 and I have received a record number of Christmas cards! Actual, in the mailbox, Christmas cards! And, several virtual cards (which I still give points for as it takes time and planning.) My holiday spirit enjoyed that little boost. So, as it is too late to assemble the actual card and letter, here's the resurrected virtual annual report of the Martinez Clan: Number One Son has grown to the point he looks his mama in the eye. He sidles up to her often to se...