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Dear Tooth Fairy (aka, The Mystery of the Missing Tooth)

In yet another of a long string of parenting fails, El Hubbo and I have been named as complicit in the mystery of the missing tooth.

Number One Son is, I hope, nearing the end of the losing teeth stage.  I keep thinking surely what he has will be retained, and heaven knows he has certainly cost me a small fortune at the dentist to fill those he has.  

But, once again Sunday morning, he brought me another blob of bloody enamel he had yanked from his mouth.

We were busy getting ready for church, so I told him to go put it up and make sure to put his tooth pillow where the tooth fairy could find it.

Fast forward to today.  When he came home from school.  He said, "Hey!  Where's my tooth?"  Apparently the boy had left it in a ziplock on the kitchen counter.  That had been cleaned.  Oops.

I told him that maybe the tooth fairy had already claimed it.  (Whilst I earnestly prayed El Hubbo had remembered to notify the tooth fairy.)

"No, there is no money!"  So much for that prayer.

"Well, son, I don't know.  If you left it on the counter it may have gotten thrown away."

"WHAT?!?   What do I do now?"

Quickly thinking, I said, "Why don't you write the tooth fairy a letter and explain the situation and see what happens?"

So, he did:

"Dear Tooth Fairy, 

Someone in my family *cough* mom *cough* and *cough* dad *cough*....I had the tooth in a plastic bag on the counter because I pulled it out right before I had to go to church.  I forgot to put it in my pillow and when I checked on it Monday evening it was gone.


So, I was hoping you could pay me anyway because technically I had a tooth for you.  Emphasis on had.  If yes, thx.

Love, Jacob Martinez

P.S. If no, mom and dad should pay me, so send them how much."

My favorite part of that letter is the "dunh, dunh, duuuuuuunh".  Every good mystery should have that soundtrack!  Not too fond of how easy it was for him to accuse his parents of misdeeds.  That boy has no shame.

I'm sure hoping the Tooth Fairy pays him tonight, as we're between checks, and I do not need another invoice.  


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