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Busy-ness 101

Jake has become quite the 8 year old entrepreneur.  Or, possibly scam artist.  He received as a gift about a year ago a bookmark made from duct tape.

Utterly fascinated and impressed with this gift, Jake begged me to buy him some decorative duct tape so that he could make his own bookmarks.  This proposal seemed harmless enough, so I got him a couple rolls.

Not long ago, I found myself In sore need of a bookmark, so I turned to my highly creative son and asked him to make me one.  He says, "I guess I will make you one for free."  I responded, "I should certainly think so since I bought the tape!"  

He proceeds to inform me that he needed a notebook so he could take orders.  It would appear he has developed quite a following.  He also informed me that he was charging his friends "$5 in pass tickets" (a reward system for students who may then purchase prizes from something called a "pass cabinet".)

Part of me was proud of his capitalistic tendencies, as I am hopeful he will be in a position to keep me in the style to which I wish to grow accustomed sooner rather than later.  And, doing so in a legal and above-board manner is preferred (albeit on certain days, negotiable).  But, in a feeble attempt at good parenting, I did mention that maybe he should check with his teacher to see if his little business was allowed to operate, or should he secure a permit?

"Why would she care?" He questioned.  "It's just business?"

Having larger fish to fry, I decided to agree.

Well, turns out she did care.  He told me a few days later that she made him stop selling bookmarks for pass tickets.

Not to be deterred, the little angel tells me last night that he would be setting aside the thirty minutes prior to bedtime to make picture frames.  "Picture frames?  When did you start doing that?" I ask.  (Again, mother of the year keeps up with everything her child does, obviously.). "Oh, awhile ago.  I needed something new to sell."

So, the little entrepreneur has learned about diversification.  He's also learned to look for loopholes.  The teacher banned selling bookmarks, but obviously she has not addressed picture frames.  I go to check out his duct tape picture frames, and I see a piece of paper that reads "James: day off -Wednesday".  

" What's this?" I ask.  "Oh, I have people working for me.  They take the orders for me to fill.  I have to give them a day off sometimes."   Well, my son is now in management.  And may possibly be operating a sweatshop for 8 year olds.  I have one question-am I legally liable for the business dealings of an eight year old?

All I know is that as a source of start-up capital, I really hope that my investment pays off.  I don't know what they have in that pass cabinet, but I am hoping for a Ring-Pop or maybe some fluorescent shoelaces!


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