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Catching Up

Shhhhhhhhh......hear that?  Silence is a rare commodity around this rodeo we call a home.  I thought I'd take a moment to catch you up on the chaos surrounding WTM's life.  What with my "regular job", a string of birthdays, the holidays, and stock show prep, it has been quite busy.  I mentioned on the facebook page that I had several ideas, but not much time.....well, sit down with a cup o'joe, and I'll just spill them all at once.  

Birthday Hannukuh (Is that how you spell Hannukuh?  Probably not, but I'm Irish, not Jewish, so there you go.)

It is a fact that smart people do not have children in December.  Why would you put yourself through the birthday celebration process right when you must also deplete your life-savings to make sure your fancy tree skirt is not peeking out from under the abundance of "love" you demonstrate with Christmas gifts? 

Obviously, El Hubbo and I are not smart people.  Neither, apparently were my parents.  Nor my grandparents.  Nor my brother-in-law's parents.  Nor my uncle's parents.  Nor my uncle.  SEVEN, let me repeat, SEVEN family members born in December.  Four of these on a run from the 18th to the 21st.  

This year to make things even more fun, we decided to hold an early bday party for number one son.  I rushed about making sure the house was cleaned, all the Christmas deco was out to be admired (more on that later), and secured the requested "Army Cake".  Everything went along right on cue, except for the hanging of the outdoor lights on the house.  

The Christmas lights were a much contested addition to the decor this year - Emma had decided they were a must and had lobbied long and hard for her daddy to purchase them, which of course he did as he is incapable of defending himself against the pouted lip and hounddog eye maneuver.  While the lights were purchased, they were not put up on the house.  The day before the party, El Hubbo said, (and I quote, as this is important in a minute) "I will hang them in the morning."

Said lights did not get hung in the morning.

We celebrated the arrival of the seventh day of birth of our first born, complete with bbq, chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream.  He was showered with new clothes, army men toys and legos - all to his delight.  After the party, El Hubbo determined that he would drive two hours away to watch a six-man football playoff.  (In Texas, Six-man football playoff games are an official state holiday unto themselves.)  His wife took the opportunity to remind him he had promised to hang the lights on the house.  He said he'd do it later.  She said, "Fine! Show me how and I'll do it myself."  He correctly heard, "Fine!  I will do this and you will pay and pay big time for weeks to come, but that is ok, you go to your football game while MAMA once again steps up and saves the entire Christmas Holiday by hanging the lights YOU promised your little girl."  

He got the ladder and hung the lights.

Then he took the keys to Minnie, my dear, sweet, beautiful, NEW car and set off for the game.  Our neighbor then shows up and tells me El Hubbo's been in an accident down the road - he was ok, but the car looks bad.  I gather the kids, and we take off in El Hubbo's beast of a truck.  Upon arrival at the scene of the accident, I see poor Minnie, broken glass everywhere, a sheepish El Hubbo and two cops.  I threaten the kids with everything imaginable to keep them in the truck.  I get out and immediately run to Minnie and throw myself upon her, sobbing as I inventory her injuries.  Not really - I managed to ask El Hubbo as I passed by him if he would live.  I am a kind and caring spouse.

Minnie was taken away by ambulance to the tow yard.  She was rehabilitated and returned to us.  El Hubbo and I continue to argue whose fault it was - Mine for making him leave late to the game, or His for not hanging the lights that morning as promised.  I know you agree with me.

Christmas Deco Gone Wild

I love Christmas decorations.  Tacky and cheap, or tasteful and expensive, there is not a santa, snowman, reindeer, elf, or gingerbread man I don't love.  Each year, I cannot wait for the holidays.....not for the gift-giving - that is almost anti-climatic for me......but for dragging out the decorations and changing over the house to a red, green, gold, white extravaganza.  I am the Clark Griswold of interior Christmas decorations.  A portion of our attic, correction - a LARGE portion of our attic is dedicated to boxes upon boxes of holiday decor I have been collecting for YEARS.  

I've invested a small fortune in European Santa figurines.  Most years, I limit myself to purchasing only one.  But, on occasion, I've slipped and gotten two.  Our home safety plan, in case of fire or sudden evacuation, specifically states that we are to make sure to grab my great-grandfather's Bible, then proceed directly to the attic to grab the Santas.  The kids are quick, I'm pretty sure they could make two trips up that ladder before the roof collapses or the smoke overcomes them.

My addiction to ornaments is really my mom's fault.  (It's always good to be able to name the source of your addiction.)  She got us an ornament each year - I have 40+ ornaments now.  And, of course, to not be alone in my addiction, the kids now each have a collection started, which is really just an excuse for me to be able to purchase three ornaments each year!  

As I struggled to put away all the decor this year, I did begin to realize that maybe I had gone too far.  As exhaustion settled over me, I briefly entertained the thought that I would not be purchasing any more Christmas decor next year.  But, then I put away the snowglobe I got this year and thought to myself how neat it would be to start collecting those.......

Hot stoves and Crockpots

A lot of this holiday was spent in the kitchen - at my mom's house, I made my first oven-roasted turkey.  It was quite an experience as I have prepared many a meal, but have somehow dodged the holiday turkey bullet.  I decided to take it on full-force this year, under the tutelage of Muzzy.  I wrestled the turkey into the oven, she laughed at me, but everyone seemed to enjoy it and no one got food poisoning.  So we chalk that one over in the win column.

At El Hubbo's parent's home, we made a french toast casserole for breakfast, followed by homemade spaghetti and sauce for dinner.  Both wins.  

A return home brought attempts at homemade french dip sandwiches - also a win.  Homemade french bread - not a complete loss, but wouldn't put in the win column just yet.  Chicken posole (win), chicken noodle soup (win), and more.  The freezer abounds with leftovers, so we should make it through the winter without starving. 

Stock Show - Oy

You know you are blessed with a good friend when you invite her over to have a fun "craft" day and you watch her incredibly creative, talented self make you things to take to auction off at your husband's stock show.  As Good Friend manipulated ribbon into a beautiful wreath and created chalkboard signs, all while floral wire scraped the skin from her fingers, I watched and scanned Pinterest for more projects for her.  That is, until she caught on to my game and packed up and left me in a sea of ribbon.  Not really - she completed the projects, and they were hotly contested items at the stock show.

Speaking of the stock show, Jake finally won the PeeWee Showmanship award!  For three (maybe four?) years, he's diligently watched, listened to his father, come close to winning, but finally, finally, he has won his first belt buckle!  Much rejoicing took place.  I would share it with you, but in the nervousness and excitement, I forgot to press record on the video.  

So, there you have it - just a quick summary of our activities.  We're tired, but blessed, and looking forward to a new year.  Here's wishing you and yours the same!



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