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   So, it's Shark Week on Discovery Channel.  And, while I know that watching these shows only amplifies my irrational fear that sharks will attack me in the local swimming hole, (Granted the odds are low since we live in land-locked, dry, dusty West Texas) I cannot tear myself away.  I listen to Mike Rowe's deep voice telling me about the jaws and the various types of sharks, and I see them breach out of the water and eat a poor, defenseless seal and I know I should change the channel, but I cannot.
   And, then my mind starts to wander around, and let me tell you, my mind can move at warp speed from subject to subject so that within seconds you would have no idea how I landed on the current thought.  And the thought I landed on tonight was how work sometimes reminds me of shark-infested waters.  Here I am swimming along, not really wanting or needing anything but to be free to do my job and out of nowhere, a shark attacks and takes a bite out of me.  So frustrating, and hurtful.  I often wonder why some sharks can't just leave well-enough alone.  I'm not going to attack them - I just want to get my job done.
    I have no desire to be a shark - I don't work to define myself.  Work allows me to help my family, and I take pride in doing a good job, and I love to learn new things and take on more responsibilities, but I am not the type to backstab, lie, and cheat my way up the ladder.  It's an old-fashioned concept, but I am an old-fashioned girl - I am being paid to do a job, and to do anything less than my best would be cheating my employers.  I prefer to earn anything I get by working hard and honestly.  But, maybe it intimidates the sharks, or they think I will outshine them, I don't know.  All I do know is I just want to be left alone to do my job.  I won't interfere with theirs, I expect them to leave me alone. 
   But, I will reenter the waters, because mainly we like to eat regularly, and pray the Lord will steer the sharks elsewhere.  And, if not, He will help me survive the bites.  West Texas Mamas are tough enough to take it.
   Well, drawing me back to the tv screen are more scenes of sharks in a feeding frenzy - absolutely fascinating - gotta go!


  1. We LOVE shark week! But I'm not smart enough to let my mind wander so creatively. :o( I do find it alarming that my family so enjoys watching sharks eat human beings. I do nothing but join them in their fixation. Guess the 'mother of the year' award is out for me.


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